Suswin Village
New Indigenous housing centre, containing 16 residential units and all common areas with new lighting, branch circuits, panels, baseboard heaters and fire alarm.
Over 475 new light fixtures installed with controls. Complete new fire alarm system, 7 new panels, four 400A panels and three 200A panels, new hydro service, disconnects and 1200A switchgear.

ESC Theriault
Completed an LED lighting retrofit in all areas of the school, 430 lights changed and 80 controls added. New 150W generator, one 600A distribution panel, six 200A panels and two 200A powerlink panels.

Island Retreat
This beautiful design build is set off grid in the spectacular French River. A.G. Electric installed a 375W solar power system on the roof with 16 solar panels.
We completed the design build to ensure all the customer requirements were met and satisfied, including lighting and receptacle locations and included future plans for power.

Laurentian University
Supplied and installed a 300kw diesel generator and 100A Automatic transfer switch. Provided all underground duct bank and feeds, low voltage controls and concrete pad. Connected the new generator to the existing fire alarm system Supplied and installed a 300kw diesel generator and 100A Automatic transfer switch.

Taco Bell, North Bay
A.G. Electric serviced the base build of the Taco Bell in North Bay. This included the new 600A service, three 225A panels, 600A and 400A disconnects.
We completed all required underground feed before concrete was poured.

HSN Children’s Treatment Centre
Relocation of the children’s treatment center from the hospital HSN in Sudbury to the Southridge mall. All items are new.
Two 600V -120/208 transformers, two 225A panels, lighting, hospital grade receptacles, CCTV, card access and data. Over 250 new light fixtures installed with 80 lighting controls added and 300 new receptacles. Complete fire alarm added to existing system.

ESC Algonquin
A three floor elementary school needed a complete LED lighting retrofit with over 1,200 light fixtures changed including 80 new lighting controls.
We installed a new PA system and performed 10 panel retrofits, five 225A retrofits, and five 100A retrofits.